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Library Trustee Minutes 02/15/10
James A. Tuttle Library
45 Main Street, Antrim NH 03440
Board of Trustees Meeting
Date: February 15, 2010
Present:  Margaret Warner (Chair), Ron Haggett (Trea.), Kathryn Chisholm, Sandy Snow, Molly Moore Lazar (Sub. as Secretary), Jesse Lazar (Patron)

  • Approval of Agenda
  • Minutes
Minutes of 1/11/10 meeting were approved after the following changes were made and discussed:
  • Additional information needed to be added under “New Business” and the “sewer discussed”. For further clarification, the discussion about the sewer referred to installation charges that had to be made during the renovation/construction. This was mandatory to support the required fire systems. Ron is planning on talking to town administrator Stearns to see if the “responsibility of payment” issue can be cleared up. The Library Trustees feel that as it is a Town Building, the Town is responsible for the bill.
  • The meeting for the Area Board of Trustees was scheduled for February 19th in Jaffrey, and the date for our present meeting is today the 15th of February.
  • Treasurer’s report
Treasurers report: presented and accepted
  • 2010 Budget seems to have been accepted by the Selectmen without need for further adjustments (hopefully all goes well at town meeting)
  • Town Hall is looking at an OEP grant to help make government buildings more energy efficient. Relevant areas in the library include: replacing the wiring in the old building and doing lighting upgrades.
  • The 2010 internal budget was looked at and discussed. As of now it looks like we are in good shape for 2010.
  • We will need to make signatory changes after the March election.

  • Library Director’s report
Director’s report presented and accepted
  • As there have been recent concerns over staffing shortages due to illness or other unforeseen conflicts, Kathy has secured Lynn Lawrence as a person to call when a substitute is needed. Lynn is trained and has subbed for us before. (it was discussed that an actual trained substitute is necessary, and more professional than relying on volunteers)
  • Six men from Valley St. were here to work for three days in Early February. Kathy has a list two pages long of all that was accomplished, but included things from winterizing windows to refinishing tables.
  • The Library is continuing to be enjoyed and used by members of the local and surrounding communities. (Melissa’s recent article in the Limrick and Kathy’s submission in the town report spoke to this). Some examples ofcommunity use include:
  • Census testing is being held here through mid-march
  • Daffodil Days is May 1st and the library will be housing (only)programs

Ongoing work:
  • Still need to call about humidity problem
  • Kathy will soon be working to complete the state report, it is open online May 1st
  • She is also looking into grants for children’s books
  • Planning (cheap or free) programs

  • Information items
  • Friends of the Library have dwindled to Connie VanderVort
  • The annual statewide trustees’ meeting will be held on May 3rd, 2010 in Portsmouth, you can get more information online at
  • Old Business
  • Internal budget was discussed (see above)
  • Generator(?)
  • New Business
  • Several people still need to get trustee handbooks (Sandy, Molly, Colleen?)
Next meeting of Library Board of Trustees: Monday, March 8th, 2010